This page details the steps designed for the following four Core Process program modules. Available as private or public workshops, individual mentoring or consulting engagements, these content-rich programs include workbook activities and multimedia illustrations to learn how to be a focused individual leader and aligned executive team ready for success.
Identify core processes and map the steps and roles needed to consistently deliver your products and services to customers.
Since your core business processes are where you should focus your energy and master your skills, next eliminate the constraints that increase waste and limit potential cost savings, resources and profit.
Build an improvement plan and budget that prove the business case for change. Clearly state the improvements needed, the resources required and the potential benefits gained. Communicate and achieve team buy in.
Identify non-core processes and map the steps and roles needed to consistently deliver your products and services to customers.
Non- core business processes lend to opportunities for outsourcing. Service providers that focus on these processes and business rules can often do the work better than you, more cost-effectively and with better technology.
Build an improvement plan and budget that prove the business case for change. Clearly state the improvements needed, the resources required and the potential benefits gained. Communicate and achieve team buy in.
You are ready to identify the target experience that will meet customer and employee needs while maximizing profit and satisfaction. Build an optimization plan and budget that will improve non-core operations.
Identify possible partners that can meet the business process needs identified in the improvement and optimization plans. Complete comprehensive analysis of their capabilities and select the best partner.
Formulate a successful vendor partnership relationship with your team that meets your stated requirements. Set measures for success and a clear management structure to cultivate the partner as part of your team.
You are ready to identify the target experience that will meet customer and employee needs while maximizing profit and satisfaction. Build an optimization plan and budget that will improve core operations.
Identify possible technologies that can meet the business process needs identified in the improvement and optimization plans. Complete comprehensive analysis of their capabilities and select the best providers.
Formulate a successful technology vendor agreement with your team that meets your stated requirements. Set measures for success and a clear management structure to integrate the technology with your processes.